
Homework assignments will be posted here as they are assigned.

Homework in this class is intended to provide students practice with the concepts discussed in class and in the book. True understanding is only available with practice.

Due Dates and Submissions

In general assignments will be due a few class days after they are assigned. I expect you to read and understand the assignment when it is assigned. You should begin working on the assignment immediately and prepare questions for the next class period.

Homework will be submitted through the assignment folders on D2L. Make sure that you follow the assignment submission instructions, especially in regards to file types and due dates.

Neatness Counts

All homework must be presented in a professional manner. Essay type questions must be typed, circuits should be drawn using circuit drawing software, other diagrams should be produced using appropriate software. Code should be neatly formatted.

Proper identifying information is required for all homework. Each homework should include your name, class, and information about which homework it is. Each problem should include a problem number, or possibly a copy of the problem statement/question.

Code, circuits and diagrams should include comments/labels

Make sure that you use plenty of white space to make your work readable.

I reserve the right to deduct points for sloppy work.


Part of your homework will include programs.

Programs in this class is intended to provide students practice with the concepts discussed in class and in the book. You need to work thourough the concepts and learn how to create code from these concepts. As such, programs are expected to be your own work. You should create each program yourself, without the aid of other students or program generation software (AI).

Programs must be turned in on the assigned due date. No late programs will be accepted.

Programs should:


I understand that you will work with others to solve problems. If you do so to any significant amount, you MUST note your collaborators plainly in your solution. For programs, this should be a comment at the top stating "I worked with ...".

I expect you to use my examples, notes and the book when working on homework, these sources do not need to be cited. If you include code or major ideas from any other sources, you should cite them. You need not use a formal citation style with a bibliography, a simple statement pointing to the source (most likely a URL) will do.
