Homework 1

Please answer the following questions in a document. Sloppy or unreadable documents will receive a credit deduction.
  1. [12 points] Draw a diagram of a typical CPU.
    1. Label each component.
    2. Briefly describe the purpose/function of each unit.
  2. [4 points] Draw a diagram of a SIMD architecture label each component.
  3. [4 points] State the transistor variation of Moore's Law.
  4. [6 points] Give the algorithm for the fetch-decode-execute cycle. Describe the components of a CPU primarily involved with each step.
  5. [4 points] Describe the difference between a special purpose register and a general purpose register.
  6. [10 points] Use the simple assembly language discussed in the notes. Assume memory contains the following
    0load R0, 9
    1load R1, 9
    2load R2, 8
    3sub R1, R1, R2
    4jumpz R1, 7
    5add R0, R0, R1
    6jump 3
    1. What are the contents of register 0 when this program is finshed executing?
    2. What does this program do? Provide equivalent C/C++ code.