Homework 3.
When you finish this homework, you should have:
- Convert between decimal, binary and hexadecimal
- Describe and use boolean expressions, truth tables and simple circuits.
- Discuss and evaluate methods of representing signed integers in binary
Please answer the following questions/perform the following tasks. Your answers should be placed in a word document. If the answer involves a circuit, implement this circuit in digital, and place a screen shot of the circuit in your answer word document.
- [1 point each] Conversion : perform the following conversions.
- Convert 372 to binary
- Convert 10111011012 to decimal
- Convert 10111011012 to hexadecimal
- Convert 3ACD16 to binary
- [4 points] Describe the time complexity of a 4 bit ripple carry adder.
- [4 points] Describe two problems using sign-magnitude to represent signed integers overcome by 2's compliment.
- [1 point each] Represent each of the following in 4 bit two's complement.
- 3
- -3
- -7
- -8
- [1 point each] The following represent numbers in 5 bit 2's compliment, provide the decimal sign-magnitude equivalent.
- 010102
- 100102
- 100002
- 111112
- [4 points] Give an English description, truth table, mathematical expression and circuit symbol for the
- [8 points] Show that ab+ac+bc = abc + abc + abc + abc.
- Using a truth table. Make sure that your rows are numbered in increasing order.
- Using a digital circuit.
- [8 points] Construct a circuit to detect even parity in a three bit pattern. The parity of a bit pattern is found by summing the individual bits. If this sum is even, the pattern has even parity. For this exercise, 0 is even, so the bit pattern 000 has even parity.
- Build a truth table for this task
- Give the mathematical expression for your truth table.
- Build a circuit in digital to implement your expression.
Required Files
Please submit a single tar or zip file containing:
- The word document with your answers.
- One or more .dig files containing circuits you have created.
Submit the assignment to the D2L folder Homework 3 by the due date.