Homework 4, HELLO WORLD! the hard way.

Short Description:

Create an executable Hello World! program from assembly code.


When you finish this homework, you should have:

Formal Description

  1. Enter the following program, there are no errors, but you may produce some when you enter the code. If so remove them. Assemble and run the final program.
  2. Add comments at the top of the program to identify yourself, the home work number, the class and any other pertinent information. Include any collaborators, or AI systems used in this area.
  3. Modify the program to print another message after hello world.
  4. Correct, assemble and run this program.
This Makefile might be useful.

Required Files

A single assembly program file. (not executable)


Submit the assignment to the D2L folder Homework 4 by the due date.