Content Rubric

For papers, the following rubric will be applied to the content.
ItemWeight Outstanding GoodAcceptablePoor Failing
Background 25% Background material is complete, concise, and relevant. The specific area of interest is related to a general area of computing research. Sufficient relevant references are provided. Background material is relatively complete and mostly relevant. The presentation is focused. Relent references are provided. Background material provides a general overview of an area of computing. References are provided. A general discussion of computing and the history of a general area of computing research is provided. Some references are provided. No background material
Area of Concentration 25% A concise and complete discussion of relevant work in the area of concentration is provided. Specialized terms are defined, relevant open questions are presented and motivation for research are included. A discussion of relevant work in the area of concentration is provided. Some terms are defined, an open question is presented and justification of the topic is provided. A general discussion of the area of concentration is provided. A vague discussion of the area of concentration is provided. Discussion lacks focus. No description of area of concentration
Project 25% The project is described in sufficient detail to believe the project can be accomplished. Resources needed, directions taken and an overview work to be done are discussed in detail. The project is described in detail, and resources, direction or overview of work is discussed A description of the project is provided, some resources needed, directions taken or work to be done is discussed. A vague outline of a project is presented. Some consideration of direction, resources or work is provided No project description
Literature Review 25% Sufficient credible* sources are presented to indicate a serious literature review has begun. Sources are cited and critically evaluated. Sufficient credible* sources are presented to indicate a serious literature review has begun. Sources are cited. Some sources are presented and cited. Few sources are listed, no evaluation of sources is in evidence. No literature review
*e.g. science journal articles, books, but no more than two internet sites. Periodicals available on-line are not considered internet sites.