Course Outline

  1. Numbers
    1. Introduction and Representation of Information
      1. Representation based on distinguish ability
      2. Representation based on application
      3. Representation based on arithmetic
      4. Representation based on error control
    2. Integer Base Conversion
      1. Binary to decimal
      2. Base x to decimal
      3. Decimal to binary
      4. Decimal to base x
    3. Fraction Base Conversion
      1. Binary to decimal
      2. Base x to decimal
      3. Decimal to binary
      4. Decimal to base x
    4. Notations and Conversions
      1. Hexadecimal and binary
      2. Octal and binary
      3. Base y and base x
    5. Codes and Conversions
      1. Non-weighted codes
        1. ASCII
        2. EBCDIC
        3. Gray
        4. Parity
      2. Weighted codes
        1. BCD
        2. 2421
        3. 642-3
        4. 2-out-of-5
    6. Binary Arithmetic operations
      1. Addition
      2. Subtraction
      3. Sign magnitude
      4. 1's complement notation
      5. 2's complement notation
  2. Binary Functions
    1. Functional components
      1. Combinational
      2. Storage
    2. Switching functions
      1. AND
      2. OR
      3. INVERTER
      4. NAND
      5. NOR
      6. XOR
      7. XNOR
    3. Combinational networks and expressions
      1. Network diagrams
      2. Expressions
    4. Switching Algebra
      1. Boolean connectives
      2. DeMorgan
      3. Normal form
      4. Standard form
  3. Combinational Networks
    1. Analysis
    2. Synthesis
    3. Translate Networks to all NANDs or all NORs
  4. Minimization Techniques
    1. Karnaugh maps
    2. Karnaugh maps and don't cares
    3. Quine-McCluskey
    4. Quine-McCluskey and don't cares
  5. Combinational Modules
    1. Encoders
    2. Decoders
    3. Transcoders
    4. Multiplexers
    5. Demultiplexers
    6. ROMs
    7. PLAs
  6. Synchronous Sequential Networks
    1. Timing diagrams
    2. Latch (Flip Flops)
      1. RS
      2. Master Slave
      3. D
      4. JK
      5. T
    3. Registers
    4. Analysis of sequential networks
      1. State transition tables
      2. State transition diagrams
    5. Synthesis of sequential networks
      1. Stuck states
      2. Two level (AND OR) design
      3. Design using combinational modules
    6. Asynchronous Sequential Networks
      1. Analysis
      2. Synthesis
    Revised Spring 2006