
Course Outcomes
  1. Perform numerical conversions of any base.
  2. Identify and convert various non-weighted codes.
  3. Identify and convert various weighted codes.
  4. Perform binary arithmetic operations.
  5. Identify functional components.
  6. Form combinational networks and expressions.
  7. Construct network diagrams.
  8. Convert between normal and standard Boolean forms.
  9. Identify and apply Boolean connectives.
  10. Apply combinational network analysis and synthesis.
  11. Apply the Karnaugh Map minimization technique.
  12. Apply the Quine-McCluskey minimization technique.
  13. Minimize switching functions with don't care states.
  14. Translate networks into all NAND or all NOR logic.
  15. Create timing diagrams for sequential networks.
  16. Form state transition tables and diagrams.
  17. Perform analysis and synthesis of latches and flip-flops.
  18. Perform analysis and synthesis of sequential networks.
  19. Perform analysis and synthesis of asynchronous networks.
  20. Identify encoders, decoders, transcoders, multiplexers, demultiplexers, ROMs and PLAs.
Revised Spring 2006