Proposal Presentation

Submission: In D2L, presented in class.

On the due date, you must give a 10 minute presentation on your proposed topic. Presentation slots must be reserved through your instructor on a first come first served basis.

Your presentation should include an overview of the subject area and the specific topic which you have selected, a discussion of your proposed implementation, and a quick look a the resources available. It should provide sufficient detail to show that you have an understanding of your topic and your project can be completed in the time allowed. This presentation should be accessible to someone with an undergraduate degree in computer science.

This presentation will be given to the class only, it will not be open to the public. You should prepare high quality presentation slides. You should submit an electronic copy of your presentation slides by noon on the day of your presentation. If you have specialized presentation requirements, you must arrange for these in advance.

Time Presenter Topic
10/1: 12:30   
10/1: 12:45   
10/1: 1:00   
10/1: 1:15   
10/1: 1:30   
10/3: 12:30   
10/3: 12:45   
10/3: 1:00   
10/3: 1:15   
10/3: 1:30   
