"When a student has a problem, concern, or difficulty with a faculty member, the student should first discuss the matter with the instructor. If agreement is reached, the matter is resolved. If agreement is not reached, the student may appeal to the department chairperson of the department to which the faculty member belongs. A meeting with the student, the faculty member and the chairperson will be held. If agreement is reached, the problem is resolved. If agreement is not reached, then the student may appeal to the dean of the school to which the faculty member reports. A meeting with the student, the faculty member, the chairperson and the dean will be held. If a satisfactory solution is found the problem, the problem is solved. If not, then the student may appeal to the provost/vice president for academic affairs in an attempt to resolve the problem. It is anticipated that, through the use of the above procedures, the problem will be resolved and there will be no further interactions. The president of the University is the final source of appeal."
If you are concerned with any of my policies, procedures, or any other item, please come and talk to me.
The 2008 undergraduate catalog states:
This policy provides for due process in the rare instance when a student believes that a final grade assigned in a course is erroneously calculated or recorded, or is a result of prohibited discrimination by the course instructor. It also provides a remedy in cases where the hearing process sustains the student's claim.
Each academic department of the University shall have an Academic Appeals Committee. Membership on the committee shall consist of at least three faculty members of the department and at least two students who are majors in the department's programs, all of whom shall be elected by the department faculty.
Students wishing to appeal a final grade must initiate the appeal within 25 calendar days after the beginning of the semester following the issuance of the grade. Summer school shall not constitute a semester. With the exception of the grade, no part of this procedure will become a part of any individual's university record or file.
Appeals Procedure
1. The student should initiate the appeal by consulting on an informal basis with the faculty member who gave the final grade. If no satisfactory results are achieved, then the student may continue the appeals procedure.
2. All grade appeals shall be made by the student, in writing, directly to the faculty member who gave the grade within twenty-five (25) calendar days after the beginning of the semester following the issuance of the grade. A copy of the appeal must be sent to the chairperson of the department in which the appeal is made. Summer school shall not constitute a semester.
3. Should the faculty member find in favor of the student, the grade change form, initialed by the department chairperson, shall be sent within ten (10) University calendar days to the coordinator of records. Should the faculty member find in favor of the grade as given, the student shall be notified, in writing, within ten (10) University calendar days.
4. Should the student desire, he/she may appeal a negative decision by the faculty member to the Academic Appeals Committee of the department in which he/she received the grade within ten (10) University calendar days after being notified by the faculty member. The appeal shall be made, in writing, to the chairperson of the departmental Academic Appeals Committee. A copy should be delivered to the department chairperson.
5. The committee shall hold a hearing within ten (10) University calendar days following the student appeal. Both the faculty member and the student involved shall be invited to attend. The committee shall have the power by simple majority vote to decide cases involving grades erroneously calculated or recorded or where prohibited discrimination is alleged. Should the committee find in favor of the student, a recommendation of a grade change shall be sent to the dean of the appropriate school. The dean shall thereafter submit the grade change form to the coordinator of records after the department chairperson has initialed the grade change form. A tie vote of the committee upholds the faculty member's decision. No student or faculty member shall sit in judgement if he/she is involved in the case. With the exception of the grade, no part of this procedure shall become the part of any individual's (faculty or student) university record or file.
6. In cases where the student alleges that the final grade is based on prohibited discrimination, the student may, within ten (10) University calendar days after being notified of the committee's decision, appeal a negative decision of the departmental Academic Appeals Committee to the president of the University or his/her designee. The president or his/her designee shall hold a hearing within ten (10) University calendar days. The faculty member, the chairperson of the Academic Appeals Committee, the student involved and the University Affirmative Action Officer shall be invited to attend. The president shall have the right to direct the change of the grade where he/she finds that the grade decision was the result of prohibited discrimination.
If you have a concern with your grade, at any time during or after the semester, please talk to me.