Homework in this class is intended to provide students practice with the concepts discussed in class and in the book. True understanding is only available with practice.
Due dates will be mentioned in the assignement. No late homework will be accepted.
Homework should be turned in to the instructor at the beginning of class. If you are unable to do this, please place it in my mail box in the main office. DO NOT slide your homework under my door. The only paper on the floor in my office is trash, and I throw that away.
If you are required to submit the homework electronicaly, you must email your assignment to danbennett360@gmail.com by the time noted in the assignment. If no time is noted, the work is due at the beginning of class time on the due date.
All homework must be presented in a professional manner. Essay type questions must be typed. Diagrams should be produced using some form of diagraming software. Microsoft Visio or the Dia Diagram editor are acceptable choices.
Proper identifying information is required for all homework. Each homework should include your name, class, and information about which homework it is. Each problem should include a problem number, or possibly a copy of the problem statement/question.
Make sure that you use plenty of white space to make your work readable.
I reserve the right to deduct points for sloppy work.