Homework 1
This homework is worth 20 points.
Goals: When you finish this homework you should be able to:
- Create a database, tables and relations, and queries using a personal database system. (Microsoft Access., open office base, ...)
- Become familiar with database terms.
You may use whatever personal database system product you wish, I would suggest either Microsoft Access or Open Office Base (LibreOffice Base, ...)
Microsoft Access
If you are not familiar with Microsoft Access, Please work through appendix A of the text book. This will take you through the steps of creating a database with Microsoft Access.
The Windows computers in the lab have a copy of Microsoft Access for your use if you need this product.
I did the tutorial with LibreOffice base, while some buttons are different, everything mostly works the same. If you chose this option, you will have a little more work but it is still quite doable.
The Linux machines in the lab have LibreOffice Base installed.
- [10 points] Do exercise A.2 Pages A-39, 40 of Appendix A. Please name your database LastName-FirstName--Cape-Codd.
Add the following steps:
- [4 points] Create a three table query, called Query1, which will produce the following report:
- [2 points each, 6 points total] Attempt to insert the following into the ORDER_ITEM table. Describe the error for each. (Tell me what is wrong, not the error the DBMS produces)
OrderNumber | SKU | Quantity | Price | Extended Price |
1010 | 201000 | 1 | 10 | 10 |
1000 | 201000 | 1 | 10 | 10 |
1000 | 500100 | 1 | 10 | 10 |
When your assignment is complete, please email the database file to danbennett360@gmail.com. Include the answers to the written questions in your email.