Homework 1

This homework is worth 20 points.

Goals: When you finish this homework you should be able to:

You may use whatever personal database system product you wish, I would suggest either Microsoft Access or Open Office Base (LibreOffice Base, ...)

Microsoft Access

If you are not familiar with Microsoft Access, Please work through appendix A of the text book. This will take you through the steps of creating a database with Microsoft Access.

The Windows computers in the lab have a copy of Microsoft Access for your use if you need this product.


I did the tutorial with LibreOffice base, while some buttons are different, everything mostly works the same. If you chose this option, you will have a little more work but it is still quite doable.

The Linux machines in the lab have LibreOffice Base installed.


When your assignment is complete, please email the database file to danbennett360@gmail.com. Include the answers to the written questions in your email.