
Homework assignments will be posted here as they are assigned.

Homework in this class is intended to provide students practice with the concepts discussed in class and in the book. True understanding is only available with practice.

Homework will vary in difficulty and point value. Simple homework will be worth on the order of 5 points. Such homework might include establishing a working graphics environment, or answering simple questions. More complex homework, such as an involved program will be worth 50 points. In the end, all points will be totaled and divided by the total number of available points to establish a homework percentage.

Homework must be turned in on the assigned due date. No late homework will be accepted.

Homework may consist of both programming and written assignments. All work should be performed in a professional manner.

Programs should

Written homework should

All homework is expected to be the work of the submitter. Cheating at this level will not be tolerated and is subject to course failure and further student disciplinary action.

If you collaborate with anyone, or use any sources other than your instructor, these sources should be indicated in the program documentation.

All homework will be graded using a recient version of Google Chrome.

If you wish, you may post your projects to devweb1.