
Submission: In D2L and on paper in class.

Please note, the poster session is subject to finding a poster printer that we can use.

You are to produce a poster as part of your project. This poster must be finished by the deadline to allow time to print all of the posters. We will hold a poster session on the assigned date during class time. We will invite the public to attend this session. If you miss the printing deadline, you are responsible for printing the poster yourself.

Your poster should include (but not limited to ):

Rubric: (Revised from a presentation rubric from Michigan State University.)

ItemWeight Outstanding GoodAcceptablePoor Failing
Style/Presentation 25% Poster contains succinct text and clear graphics. Graphics and text are balanced. The poster invites viewer participation. Poster contains well chosen text and graphics. Color and font selection enhance presentation. Poster in neat. Poster contains a mixture of text and graphics. Color and font selection do not detract from presentation. Poster is wordy, contains few or no relevant graphics. Colors clash or render poster difficult to read, font size is small. Poster consists of large blocks of text. Graphics are irrelevant or distracting. Colors and font size render poster unreadable. Poster is sloppy.
Organization and Flow 25% There is a clear flow through the poster. Users can understand the work without the author present. Sections are labeled and there is a clear flow through the poster. Some interaction with the author is required to understand the work. Sections are labeled, but the flow is ambiguous. Interaction with the author is required to understand the work. The poster is disorganized, there is little or no indication of flow. The poster is incomprehensible, or simply a large block of text.
Content 25% All required content components are present, accurate and grammatically correct. All required content components are present, accurate with few grammatical errors. All required content components are present, minor inaccuracies or occasional grammatical errors. Some required content components are missing, major inaccuracies, or grammatical errors distract from presentation. Most required content components are missing.
Interaction 25% Presenter thoroughly discusses the topic, fully utilizing the poster as a presentation resource. Poster is an integrated portion of the presentation. Presenter thoroughly discusses the topic, frequently utilizing the poster as a presentation resource. Poster is strongly related to presentation. Presenter discusses the topic, partially utilizing the poster as a presentation resource. Poster aides in presentation. Presenter presents the topic, occasionally referring to the poster. Few items on the poster are useful in the discussion. Presenter presents the topic without referring to poster.