My Test Driver
- Take a look at findTest.cpp
- With command line arguments, you can adjust
- Number of trials.
- The length of the text
- The length of the key
- Notice I am only timing the actual finds.
- This could be tricky, if the finds were too fast, I could get no time.
- I need to control this, I don't want to run it by hand.
- So I built a shell script to do this.
- You don't need to know script programming but it is just programming
- Look at
- bash is very picky about spaces
- var=value can have no space.
- There is something strange about loops, I always use this format.
- echo is the output statment.
- echo -n does not print a new line
- Variables, except for initaial assignment shoudl be in ${varname}
- > is the normal redirect you know, it says create the file, orremove all data from the file, then save this line.
- >> is a redirect, that says append to the file.
- Feel free to use this, it will run all of my tests and save the ou tput to a file.
- Once this is done, I import it into an excel workbook.
- here
- I Comupted the average time and the average time per 10,000
- Notice as the data size doubles, the average time doubles.
- Notice this too in the individual sizes too.
- Notice the average time per 10,000 stays the same.
- 10,000 is just the base number of letters in the text.
- So I really believe that the function is linear.
- If I were going to publish, I would need to do a statistical analaysis.
- But for us, this is probably good enough.
- I built a few charts. Look at these and discuss them.
- I typed up a dumb example report.
- Please follow this format.
- But say intelligent things.