In this class we will study the fields of computer graphics and scientific visualization. This will include mathematical foundations, algorithms and data structures, hardware, and graphics libraries. We will discuss user interfaces and event driven programming. We will produce program involving both 2D and 3D images.
The skills required for this class are a mixture of mathematics and the ability to program. Students will be required to produce working programs using the department's Linux computer systems. We will be employing the OpenGL API.
This semester I plan to experiment with some additional graphics platforms and APIs. This will require you to learn new programming languages and environments. I expect that you will start projects early and seek assistance if you require help completing these projects. You will be required to read supplemental material and possibly seek additional sources of information.
Students who wish to successfully complete this class are encouraged to:
This class meets MW 3:00 to 4:15 in Ross Hall room 135. Announcements: