Homework 5, Solitaire Conquest

Short Description:

Write a program which will allow a user to play the game Solitaire Conquest.

This assignment is worth 100 points.


When you finish this homework, you should:

Formal Description

Read the rules for the game at Warp Spawn Games or my local copy (modified slightly for readability). You are to write a program which will allow a user to play this game.

For clarity in the RAISE ARMY PHASE:

I found the REINFORCEMENT PHASE of the rules somewhat confusing. This is my interpretation:

I also had some trouble with the MARCH PHASE. My interpretation is:

The some details of the CONQUEST PHASE are detailed further below.

Your game should begin by creating your two decks. These should be created by reading the files foeDeck.dat and allyDeck.dat. Each deck will contain with exactly 44 cards. The format is as follows:

Ally bonuses are applied as follows: Example:
If the horde deck contains:
   Stone Giant  (2)
   Orc Warband  (3)
   White Dragon (3)
   Blue Dragon  (6)

Since there are two dragons in the horde, the horde receives a +1 force bonus

The foe force would be 15,  2+3+3+6 +1 (bonus for two dragons)

And the Ally deck contains:
   Elf Scouts (1)
   Swordsmen  (2)
   Knights    (5) D +1
   Wizard     (6) M =1

The Knight gains a +1 force since it is opposing dragons.
The Wizard adds a +1 bonus to all other men (Swordsmen and Knight)

The ally force would be
  1     (Elf Scouts) 
+ 2+1   (Swordsmen, +1 for Wizard)
+ 5+1+1 (Knights, +1 for dragons + 1 for Wizard)
+ 6     (Wizard)

The game should perform the following steps:

While playing the game, you should inform the player fully of the condition of the game board. The following is an example presentation, you may alter this if you wish.

Turn 1:
    You are on square 5.
    To your left (square 4) is a horde with a force of 8, containing:
       Hill Giant, 
       Hill Giant, 
       Goblin Warparty, 
       White Dragon

    To your right (square 6) is a horde with a force of 15, containing:
       Stone Giant,
       Orc Warband,
       White Dragon,
       Blue Dragon

    Your current Ally deck  has a force of 9 and contains:
       Elf Scouts, 

    Do you wish to draw another card?  Y
    You draw the Wizard card.

    You are on square 5.
    To your left (square 4) is a horde with a force of 8, containing:
       Hill Giant, 
       Hill Giant, 
       Goblin Warparty, 
       White Dragon

    To your right (square 6) is a horde with a force of 15, containing:
       Stone Giant,
       Orc Warband,
       White Dragon,
       Blue Dragon

    Your current Ally deck  has a force of 17 and contains:
       Elf Scouts, 

    Do you wish to draw another card?  N

    Do you wish to attack to the left? N
    You attack to the right.  
        Your force is 17, the horde to the right has a force of 15.  
	You win the battle.

Turn 2:



Required Files

You should submit the following in a tar file: You should not submit


Please create a tar file containing the files described above. Email this file to danbennett360@gmail.com by class time of the due date.