This game is copyright (c) 1997+ by Lloyd Krassner.

This copy is maintained for local reference only. Please see the Warpspawn Mainpage for more information and the original game.


Solitaire board and card game with a fantasy conquest theme


Draw a map of a continent with 12 connected regions. Name them if you like. Each region must be large enough to hold one stack of cards.


There are two decks:



Each turn has 4 Phases:


Draw 3 cards from the Ally deck.





If you destroy all the Hordes you win.


If you are unable to destroy all the Hordes you lose.


G = Giants
H = Humanoids
U = Undead
D = Dragon
# = Number of that card in the deck

Card Name 			Force	Type	#	
Hill Giant			1	G	2	
Stone Giant			2	G	2
Ice Giant			3	G	2
Fire Giant			4	G	2
Cloud Giant			5	G	1
Storm Giant			6	G	1	
Titan				7	G	1	
Kobold Mob			1	H	2
Goblin Warparty			2	H	2
Orc Warband			3	H	2
Hobgoblin Riders		4	H	2
Gnoll Raiders			5	H	1
Bugbear Ambushers		6	H	1
Ogre Tribe			7	H	1
Skeletons			1	U	2
Zombies				2	U	2
Ghouls				3	U	2
Ghasts				4	U	2
Wights				5	U	1
Wraiths				6	U	1
Vampire				7	U	1
Fire Drake			1	D	2
Wyvern				2	D	2
White Dragon			3	D	2
Green Dragon			4	D	2
Black Dragon			5	D	1
Blue Dragon			6	D	1
Red Dragon			7	D	1

E = Elves
D = Dwarves
M = Men
H = Holy Men

Card Name 			Force	Type	#	Notes
Elf Scouts			1	E	2
Elf Hunters			2	E	2
Elf Warriors			3	E	2
Elf Archers			4	E	2	+1 vs Humanoids
Elf Lancers			5	E	1	+1 vs Humanoids
Elf Lord			6	E	1	Other Elves get +1
Elf Mage			7	E	1	
Dwarf Clans			1	D	2
Dwarf Crossbows			2	D	2
Dwarf Warhammers		3	D	2
Dwarf Siege Engines		4	D	2
Dwarf Rune Master		5	D	1	Other Dwarves get +1
Dwarf Giant Slayer		6	D	1	+2 vs Giants
Dwarf Lord			7	D	1	+1 vs Giants
Spearmen			1	M	2
Swordsmen			2	M	2
Longbowmen			3	M	2
Halberdiers			4	M	2
Knights				5	M	1	+1 vs Dragons
Wizard				6	M	1	Other Men get +1
Hero				7	M	1	+2 vs Dragons
Monks				1	H	2
Zealots				2	H	2
Crusaders			3	H	2
Clerics				4	H	2
High Priest			5	H	1	Other Holy Men get +1
Paladin 			6	H	1	+1 vs Undead
Saint				7	H	1	+2 vs Undead


  1. Does the player's army have any force value?

    ---Yes of course. An army of a Monk(Force = 1), a Hero(Force = 7) and Elf Warriors(Force = 3) would have a total force = 11 (13 vs a Horde with 1 or more Dragons)

  2. Can you use all of the allies in your hand in a given battle?

    ---You have to use all of them.

  3. The first phase allows you to draw 3 allies, the next phase allows you to draw 1 and then another 1. If you can always draw 5 allies what is the purpose of having 2 phases?

    ---You can draw as many as you like. The 2 phases was supposedly to avoid confusion (Oh well)

  4. You lose if you don't defeat all the Hordes. That implies that you only go through the ally deck once. Correct?

    ---Absolutely correct.

  5. There is a point bonus for conserving allies. Is there any standard to evaluate the quality of victory?

    That is, if you get:
    the bare 10 points it's a marginal victory
    if you have 15 points it's a great victory
    if you have 20 points it's a spectacular victory
    if you have only 1 region left unconquered it's a temporary defeat
    if you have 2-3 left unconquered it's a campaign defeat
    if you have 4-5 left unconquered it's a catastrophic defeat
    If you have more than 5 it's a total defeat

    ---Sounds good to me.

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