Word Test

  1. Insert word art at the top of the page, the text should be The Soliloquy
  2. In a box at the top of the page, under the word art place:
    1. CSCI 105, Test 1, Fall 2004 on the left
    2. your name on the right
  3. Insert the following text. Label this section Introduction
    1. Make this text justified.
  4. Insert the following text. Label this section The Soliloquy
    1. Place the second text in two column mode
    2. use an 8 point font,
    3. use a "fancy" font of your choosing. (I used Script)
  5. Insert the following text. Label this section A Comment
    1. This text should be in single column mode
    2. Left aligned, ragged right.
  6. Make all of the text labels header 1.
  7. Endnote all of the headers
    1. Introduction - Edward Hubler's introduction to the Signet edition of Hamlet
    2. The Soliloquy - From Hamlet, Act III, Scene 1
    3. A Comment - From William Hazlitt, The Characters of Shakespeare's Plays
  8. Insert a picture into the second text
    1. Place it between the columns
    2. Wrap the text arround the picture
    3. Use any image you would like.
  9. Make sure that all occurences of Hamlet are in italics.
  10. Add the date and time to the header
  11. Add Page __ of __ to the footer, make sure that you use automatic page numbers.
  12. Add a table of contents

Here is a picture of my document. Again, your document may be slightly different.