Word Test
- Please make sure that your name is on the document. Documents without names will be given a score of 0.
- Do what you can, if you get stuck, move on to another portion of the document
- Save often. No credit will be given for work that is not presented at
the end due to operator error.
- Your doucument may differ from mine, but you must include all of the
elements below.
- When you are finished, please print your document, check to see that it
is correct, and hand it in.
- Email a copy of your document to me. The subject should be Word Test
- Insert word art at the top of the page, the text should be
The Soliloquy
- In a box at the top of the page, under the word art place:
- CSCI 105, Test 1, Fall 2004 on the left
- your name on the right
- Insert the following text. Label this section
- Make this text justified.
- Insert the following text. Label this section
The Soliloquy
- Place the second text in two column mode
- use an 8 point font,
- use a "fancy" font of your choosing. (I used Script)
- Insert the following text. Label this section
A Comment
- This text should be in single column mode
- Left aligned, ragged right.
- Make all of the text labels header 1.
- Endnote all of the headers
- Introduction - Edward Hubler's introduction to the Signet edition of Hamlet
- The Soliloquy - From Hamlet, Act III, Scene 1
- A Comment - From William Hazlitt, The Characters of Shakespeare's Plays
- Insert a picture into the second text
- Place it between the columns
- Wrap the text arround the picture
- Use any image you would like.
- Make sure that all occurences of Hamlet are in italics.
- Add the date and time to the header
- Add Page __ of __ to the footer, make sure that you use automatic page numbers.
- Add a table of contents
Here is a picture of my document. Again, your document may be slightly different.