Mid Level Exercises

When grading these exercises I will record a score of 0-10 baised on correctness and completeness. In the end I will divide your score by the total number of exercises available and multiply by 15. This will give you between 0 and 15 points for this section.

Please make sure that you follow all instructions, but instructions given here preempt instructions in the exercises.

Please make sure that proper identification information is included on all submissions. This includes your name and identification of what it is you are turning in. I will not give credit for incorrectly identified work.

In general I want you to email most documents to me as an attachment. Only rarely will I ask you to print the document as the exercise requests. My email address is danbennett360@gmail.com.

Please send only one exercise per message. Since you will be sending each exercise as soon as you complete it, this will not be an issue. Mail messages containing multiple exercises will be discarded.

The subject of the message should contain a description of what is included in the messsage. For example, Exercise 3, Chapter 1 is an excelent subject for Mid Level Exercise 3 in chapter 1.

Please also make sure your name is part of the message. It is usually part of the document produced during the exercise, but attaching it as part of the message of the email is a good idea as well. The body of a typical email message might contain:

   Hello, this is Bill Smith and attached is Mid Level exercise 3C from word chapter 1.

When sending mail, make sure that you are sending mail from an account where you can receive mail. I will reply to your email with your score.