
Homework assignments will be posted here as they are assigned.

Homework in this class is intended to provide students practice with the concepts discussed in class and in the book. True understanding is only available with practice.

Homework must be turned in by the assigned due date. No late homework will be accepted.

Homework may consist of both programming and written assignments. All work should be performed in a professional manner.

Programs :

Written homework should:

I do not accept late homework. If you find that you will miss a deadline please contact me.

You are responsible for ALL code submitted. You should know what this code does and be able to explain how the code works. I may, at my option, require an oral code review for any program submitted.

If you use external sources to complete your homework, you should document this. This includes sources where you copied sections of code, persons who supplied lines of code or collaborators. Failure to do so constitutes plagiarism and will result in severe academic penalties.