Homework 5, A simple game..

Short Description:

Continue the implementation of the simple game system.


When you finish this homework, you should have:

Formal Description

In the following files are the beginning of a simple game implementation. This is based on The Simple Game system which is a set of RPG rules developed by Chris Gonnerman. This short set of rules allows players to participate in easy to play shared story based adventures. We will be using these rules to motivate some of our exercises this semester. The rules are available at the above we site, with a local copy here.. Perform the following tasks:
  1. Derive a NPC class from the player class. This class can have up to 7 levels of a given ability.
  2. Implement a challenge encounter.
  3. From your challenge class, derived a RewardChallengeEncounterT


I believe that this code is working. I have changed it as I make up the assignment. I will test it further. You should not delay working on this code until the last moment. It has some complexities. Problems encountered before the end of the semester will receive some sympathy, problems encountered Nov 30 will receive very little sympathy.


Required Files

A single tar or zip file containing all source code required to implement this game with these changes. If you have any comments or notes, please add a ReadMe (not ReadMe.txt, not README, not readme,...) file with this information.


Submit the assignment to the D2L folder HW5 by the due date.