
There will be three regular tests and a final exam in this class.

The three tests will be approximately every five weeks. These tests will consist of material from class, the book, and assigned homework and projects. Tests may include short answer, essay questions and programming problems.

Students who complete and understand the programming assignments and homework before the test on the material used in that program or assignment will have a significant advantage on the tests.

Tests will be available for one week during the weeks indicated. You should plan appropriately. Please note, the final exam is on a slightly different schedule than the other tests.

For ABET accreditation it is required that we remotely proctor tests with the Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor. This requires a working webcam and microphone. More information will be available as we approach the first test.

The final exam will be comprehensive and follow the format of the regular tests.

A tentative testing schedule is as follows:
TestWeek Date
1 5 Feb 9-16
2 9 March 16-23
3 13 April 13-20
Final 15 April 26 - March 2

This is the first time I have taught this class so there is no test bank.