

Note: this specification has been created from Ben Eaters 8-bit Computer videos. I have attempted to recreate this computer here.

Functional Units

The 8-bit computer has the following functional units:


Each instruction is a single 8 bit word. The top for bits (instruction<7..4>) are the op code. The bottom four bits (instruction<3..0>) are the operand.

All values are padded with zero. So the address would be 00000000+instruction<3..0>

Opcode Ben Nmeonic Dan Nmeonic Operand Description
0000 NOP NOP   Do Nothing
0001 LDA Load Source Memory Address Load the data from memory into the A register
0010 ADD Add Memory Address Add the contents of memory to the contents of the A register and store it into the A register.
0011 SUB Subtract Memory Address Subtract the contents of membory from the contents of the A register and store it into the A register.  
0100 STA Store Destination Memory Address Store the contents of the A register at the destination address in memory
0101 LDI LoadI a 4 bit number Load the A reister with the 4 bit immediate. The top bits are 0
0110 JMP Jump Instruction Addres Jump to the specified address.
0111 JC JumpC Instruction Address Jump if the carry bit is set
1000 JZ JumpZ Instruction Address Jump if the value of the A register is zero.
1001 NOP NOP    
1010 NOP NOP    
1011 NOP NOP    
1100 NOP NOP    
1101 NOP NOP    
1110 OUT Output   Display the value (as an integer) stored in the A register
1111 HLT Halt   Stop Operation