
There will be two tests in this class.

The approximate date for the tests will be:

Word and Computer Concepts 6 Sept 24
Excel and Data Science Concepts. 12 Nov 5

Please note, the dates and material are subject to change. Details on the tests will be formalized in class a week or two before the test.

Material for the tests will come from the readings, lectures, and assignments.

Students who complete and understand the homework assignments before the test will have a significant advantage on the tests over students who have not done this work.

Students are expected to take the tests on the scheduled dates. Students who fail to take a test for trivial reasons will be given a score of 0. If a make-up test is given, it will not necessarily be equivalent in content or difficulty to the original test.

During the final exam period we will be presenting individual results of our semester project. I believe that these presentations will provide the cumulative nature required for the final experience. Attendance at these sessions is mandatory.