Purchase Price 289,000 Percent Down 10% Down Payment 28,900 Loan Amount = 289,000-28,900 = 260,100 If they had to pay 3.25 points: 260,100x.0325 = 8,453.25 Period: 30 years Rate: 8% Payment per $1000: $7.34 Number of $1000: 260.1 Monthly Payment: 7.34 x 260.1 = $1,909.13 Total Amount paid for the house: $1,1909.13 x 30 x 12 = 687,288.24 Amount of interest paid 687,288.24-260,100 = 423,188.24 The first payment: i = prt i = 260,100 * .08/12 * 1 = 1,734 Principle on the first payment 1,909.13-1,734 = 175.13 Amount remaining 260,100 - 175.13 = 2599,924.87