Extra Credit

You may earn up to 50 points extra credit by maintaining a notebook for the class. This notebook is to be turned in before each test, and will normally be returned when the test is turned in. It should contain the following sections.

This notebook should be in a three-ring binder, and be reasonably neat and orderly. At the time of each test, I will assign a grade of 0-15 points to the latest section of the notebook. Please make a section of the notebook for each section of the class, so there should be one section for everything up to the first test, a second section for the material between the first and second tests and so on.

Please purchase a set of divider tabs. Use four tabs for test labels and four tabs for section labels. You can move your section labels forward for each test.You should have tabs for:

 Test 1       	Test 2		Test 3		Final
 Homework	Notes		Example Problems   Cheat-sheet

The score will be based on completeness, correctness, neatness and organization. No late notebooks will be accepted.

Please make sure you include your name in your notebook.