Counting Things.
- This is chapter 13.
- Some of this might be basic, but some will be more advanced.
- Good chapter, read it.
- Grab this dataset.
- I grabbed it from kaggle
- I removed all but USA-PA events.
- It is still big, 2367 records.
- Save it as an excel file, or you will lose everything.
- Highlight the range and define names for each of the columns
- Formulas tab, Defined Names, Create from section.
- Count, counta, countblank
- All take a range and count the values.
- Nothing in this dataset to simply count, so
- Add a worksheet called sandbox
- add the following
- I used =3/0 for A5
- And =asdf() for A6
- =3+2 for A7
- A9 and A10 are blank.
- I named the mess junk.
- use count, counta, countblank on junk
- Cell contents identification
- There are a huge number of is* functions.
- Take a cell and return true if the cell matches the query
- These are in appendix A, page 1041.
- Take a moment to look at these.
- You can use these to count with an array function
- =sum(if(isXXXX(range),1,0))
- =sum(if(iserror(junk),1,0)) as an array formula
- Apparently errors just store strings so you can just countif them
- =countif(junk,"#NAME?")
- Countif
- As we have seen, countif will count the literal string
- =countif(shape,"triangle")
- Note here that excel is not case sensitive.
- Countif will also count contents of a cell
- You can give it a formula in quotes
- =countif(duration__seconds, "<10")
- operators = {=, <>, <, <=, >, >=}
- You can also use a cell content, but need string concatenation
- = countif (durations__seconds,"<"&k17)
- Notice the wild cards in strings as well.
- Look at page 304 for a nice set of countif examples.
- More advanced
- We can count using several countifs
- I know this example is dumb, but it is the best I can think of right now.
- But we can also use countifs
- Takes multiple ranges and criteria
- We could use multiple ranges.
- Notice, this is an and.
- Can you do this with an array formula
- How would you do edinboro or light?
- Did you get 474 or 476. If you got 476, see a math professor.