Homework 7: Terry Stop, Analysis of Office Race and Initial Call Type.
Analyze two text fields in the Terry Stop data.
The goals of this homework are:
- Practice analysis of text fields.
Continue to work with the Terry stop worksheet from the last two homework assignments. If you have not saved this worksheet you can start with this data.
- Create a worksheet to analyze the Officer Race field.
- Correctly label this worksheet
- Add an appropriate comment to the top of this worksheet.
- Perform basic counts on the Officer Race field.
- Analyze the frequency of each race given.
- Produce a unique list of officer races.
- Compute the number of times each race was involved in a Terry Stop.
- Sort these by frequency.
- Format the counts as numbers, with no decimal points and a comma when appropriate.
- Provide a Pie chart exploring this data.
- Make sure that this chart is well labeled and readable.
- Start a new worksheet for the analysis of the initial call type.
- Correctly label this worksheet
- Add an appropriate comment to the top of this worksheet.
- Perform basic counts on the initial call type field.
- NULL is a term for not available. Replace this with NA and perform the appropriate counts.
- Analyze the frequency of each call type
- Produce a unique list of the different initial call types.
- Count the number of initial call types.
- Format the numbers with no decimal places and a comma if needed.
- Add a rank field, that computes the rank of each call type.
- Provide some form of chart to represent the top ten known stop types.
- Provide a summary table of the number of incidents which occurred less than 10 times.
- (This is worth 20% of the homework score) Using word, provide an analysis of the Office Race and the Initial Call Type fields.
Please submit both your word document and your worksheet to the D2L Assignment folder Homework 7 by the due date.