Homework 5
The goals of this homework are:
- Demonstrate that you can summarize both text and numerical data.
- Demonstrate you can use the following functions in excel
- Count, counta, countblank, countif
- frequency
- max, min, average, quartile
- Demonstrate you can produce various charts in excel.
- Demonstrate you can move charts and tables from excel to word.
- Download this excel document.
- Download this word document.
- Using the data in the excel document, follow the instructions in the word document.
- When asked to insert or describe, place the answer, table or chart below the question.
- Example, for point 1a.
- All computations should be done in the worksheet.
- Example: for point 1a.
- Please make sure
- All tables are formatted in a consistent manner.
- Select and apply a design.
- Numbers should be right justified
- Text should be left justified
- All fields should be wide enough so all data is visible.
- All graphs should be labeled.
Upload a copy of both the word document and the excel file to the D2L Assignment Folder Homework 5 by October 7 at 11:00 pm.