What is research/review will you do this semester?
Provide a short description of an area of research in computer science. Indicate where researchers in this area presents results.
This homework is worth 10 points.
The goal of this assignment is to motivate you to begin working on your research project.
Produce a single page document which
- Describes a sub-discipline within computer science. Hopefully this will be the broad area which contains a subject you wish to investigate.
- Identify a SIG or other organization which deals with this this area.
- Identify at least one venue where peer reviewed research in this area is presented.
- Find program/collection of abstracts/proceeding/ other document which contains a summary of presentations at this venue.
Document all of this information in your report. Include URLs for any on line information, but provide summary statements as well.
This is insufficient
Reducing clutter in the visualization of Graphs.
This is what I am looking for
I am interested in investigating how a large dense graph can be presented.
This seems to be related to the ACM SIGGRAPH SIG, there appears to be quite
a few papers published in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics and at Eurographics.
IEEE Vis 2013 is a venue for research in scientific visualization. It includes
presentations on reducing clutter in dense graphs. The conference page is
http://www.ieeevis.org/ and it includes a pointer to previous conferences.
Eurographics is a conference which publishes "the latest techniques" in computer graphics. The conference page is located at http://eg2013.udg.edu/.
The hard copy of you work is due at the beginning of class on Feb 4.