From topic to Problem
- The following is mostly from The Craft of Research
- They state that you could consider a project to have four steps
- Find a topic
- You should be able to master a reasonable amount of information in the time allowed.
- Question that topic until you find questions that catch your interest.
- Determine the kinds of evidence your readers will expect you to offer to support the answer to your question.
- Determine if you have sufficient evidence to to provide this support.
- In our case, we might not be looking for a question.
- Most people who write about research are deeply enamored with a question.
- I have always found this to be a stumbling point.
- I guess my question has always been
- Can I improve or extend knowledge in this area?
- Can this be done?
- Can I automate this?
- But that is probably more my style than the accepted practice.
- Bizup et al point out that you should not focus on the big questions:
- Focus on something that catches your attention
- Is it possible to score horseshoes with a ANN?
- Can I build an AI that better mimics human social networks in a game?
- How can I make the syntax error output of g++ more manageable for a person with limited or no sight?
- They say, if you feel an itch, start scratching.
- In my opinion, if you read enough about a topic, you will find your question.
- Expertise
- They point out that you are in the process of becoming an expert.
- That is what all the reading is about.
- From a broad topic to a focused one.
- "... your biggest risk is settling on a topic so broad that it could be a subheading in a library catalog."
- Just keep narrowing.
- Security in Human Computer Interaction -> Security in accessing web sites -> Secure methods for logging into a web site -> A survey of best practices for implementing user authentication to secure web sites.
- Notice that the title keeps getting longer and more specific.
- Look at most paper titles, they frequently are extremely specific
- Vis Week program for 2019
- "Modeling and Visualization of Economy Data with Incremental Domain Knowledge"
- "Visual Analysis of the Time Management of Learning Multiple Courses in Online Learning Environment"
- "The Effect of Edge Bundling and Seriation on Sensemaking of Biclusters in Bipartite Graphs"
- Or perhaps look at the KDD 2019 proceedings.
- This is probably not a linear process
- You may refine too tightly, then need to back off.
- You may expand to be too wide, and need to refocus.
- As you explore, you will find questions, or ideas, or whatever you want to call it. Keep track of them!
- They caution that just compiling facts is insufficient
- You are not writing an encyclopedia entry.
- You are attempting to find something you can explore further.
- They return to a question, I return to where can you have an impact?
- They suggest answering "So What?"
- Is there a reason to do this?
- If you do this will someone care?
- If you don't do this, will it matter?
- A major source of inspiration for me is always in the future directions/conclusions sections of papers.
- Also, consider
- Did they make any simplifying assumptions you can remove?
- Should this be followed by an empirical study?
- Can this be applied elsewhere?
- In general, read with an open questioning mind.