Analog to digital
- This is digitization
- This is done with a codec (coder decoder)
- Two techniques are discussed
- Pulse Code Modulation (PCM)
- Based on the sampling theorem
- If a signal f(t) is sampled at regular intervals of time and at a rate higher than twice the highest signal frequency, the the samples contain all the information of the original signal
- Since voice data is below 4kHz, 8k samples per second are sufficient.
- So for a bandwidth of B, 2B samples are taken every 1/2B seconds.
- Each sample can be quantized into 2n different levels.
- Each quantized sample represents the amplitude.
- Then n bits are needed to send the value.
- Stallings tells us that quantizing violates the sampling theorem and introduces an error.
- This is called the quantizing error
- This makes sense, we are taking a sample, then moving it to a different value.
- For good voice encoding, we need 128 levels (7 bits)
- This implies a data rate of 56Kbps
- Color TV uses 10 bit codes, (1024 levels)
- This requires 92 Mbps at 4.6 MHz
- Delta Modulation(DM)
- The value of the pulse is approximated with a discrete function.
- Only a change of +/-1 is sent.
- This is much simpler than PCM.
- Why analog to digital?
- As mentioned before, less susceptible to noise
- The equipment introduces less noise.
- Time Domain Multiplexing can be used, and this adds less noise
- Digital allows different switching techniques.
- Compression and algorithms can be used to reduce data rate
- Voice could drop to 4kbps
- Video to 15Mbps
- Teleconferencing to 64kbps