Routing In the Internet
- An autonomous system is a system where all the routers are controlled by a single entity.
- A collection of IP networks.
- Employing a common routing policy
- Usually the AS has full information about all routers and links.
- Examples:
- Campus or corporate network.
- Stallings states that there must be a path from every node to every other node. (But not necessarily direct).
- Autonomous systems run interior routing protocols
- Routing protocols between different AS are called exterior routing protocols
- Kurose discusses intra-AS and inter-AS protocols.
- Interior routing protocols
- RIP: Routing Information Protocol
- R.I.P. RIP R.I.P.
- Uses Bellman-Ford
- This records the next hop to each destination, as well as a distance to the ultimate destination.
- routed was part of BSD
- Uses hop count for path weight.
- Maximum path weight was 15
- Sent update every 30 seconds.
- This became a problem as networks grew.
- Even worse when clocks were in sync.
- The kernel kept the routing table.
- Routed was a process which was allowed to manipulate this table.
- The ip portion of the stack used the table when finding the address to send the packet to.
- OSPF: Open Shortest Path First
- Uses Dijkstra's
- Along with IS-IS this seems to be the current standard.
- Employs flooding.
- Every 30 min, broadcast link state.
- Or when the link state changes.
- OSPF Provides
- Authentication, enabling security
- Multiple shortest cost paths.
- Support for unicast and multicast
- Hierarchy within an AS
- Hierarchy within an AS
- Subsections of the graph can be labeled as an area
- Routers within an area exchange information.
- But have a default route to the outside world.
- area border routers are routers with a connection to the AS backbone
- These routers participate in the Global configuration
- Border routers talk to other AS routers.
- IS-IS: Intermediate System to Intermediate System.
- Much link OSPF
- But built for the ISO architecture, not IP
- Wikipidea says it differers in details, but the operation is similar.
- Exterior Protocols
- BGP: Border Gateway Protocol
- Kurose states that this is extremely complex
- Many books
- RFC's
- And MANY months practice to understand
- Permanent TCP connections are maintained between routers in different AS
- These BGP Peers exchange information
- The Identity of each AS they are connected to
- List of all networks within the AS
- They also exchange information about other AS they are connected to.
- CSPF: Constrained Shortest Path First.