- Features
- 128 bit address.
- 6x1023 addresses for every m2 on earth
- Assigned to interfaces, not to nodes.
- Interfaces may have multiple addresses assigned to them.
- These addresses can be aggregated to provide faster routing and
smaller routing tables.
- A 40 byte header.
- Options from IPV4 have been moved to follow on headers.
- Version number, like IPV4
- DS/ECN fields as IPV4
- Flow labels
- Allows the source to request special handling.
- Such as QOS or Real time service
- This field is randomly generated (like ports)
- Routers keep a table of these fields and negotiated parameters.
- The router performs the services pre-requested on each packet where this field matches. (And other requirements)
- Payload Length: extension headers + data
- Next header: IPV6 extension or UDP or TCP or other high level protocol.
- Hop limit: TTL
- Extended headers
- HOP-BY-HOP header
- information that every router along the path must look at.
- Routing Header
- Information on the route the packet must follow.
- Fragment Header
- Fragmentation is done on source nodes.
- Must do a network discovery to find MTU
- This field holds the fragment info from IPV4
- Authentication header
- Encapsulation Security Payload header
- Destination Options header.