Lan Protocol Architecture
- Three layers
- Physical
- We have been working on this all semester.
- Encoding of signals
- preamble
- bit transmission
- Topology we just finished.
- Media we just briefly looked at.
- Medium access
- Logical Link.
- IEEE 802
- This is a family of standards from IEEE
- See wikipedia for a list.
- This corresponds to the lowest levels in a protocol architecture.
- This provides for (LLC - link)
- Transmission of a frame with address and error detection fields
- Reception: remove frame and check for errors
- Govern access to the media
- Provide an interface to perform error and flow control.
- As well as (MAC)
- Management of shared access medium
- Mac frames.
- Ethereal/wireshark
- LLC Services
- Unacknowledged connectionless service
- Connection oriented service
- Acknowledged connectionless service.
- LLC Protocol
- Modeled after HDLC
- Three different protocols as mentioned above.
- All use the same PDU
- LLC provides ports, much like tcp.
- DSAP - Destination Service Access Point
- SSAP - Source Service Access Point
- 7 bit address
- DSAP 1 bit indicates individual or group address
- SSAP 1 bit indicates command or response
- The LLC Control fileds are identical to HDLC
- Type 1 or Unacknowledged connectionless service
- uses an unnumbered information PDU
- No ack
- No error control
- Lower level (MAC) provides error detection.
- He describes an operation very close to ping at this level.
- Type 2 or connection oriented
- A connection is established via the exchange of various packets.
- PDUs contain sequence numbers during the exchange just like HDLC
- DISConnect PDU closes the session.
- Type 3 or Acked connectionless
- Each pdu is acknowledged.
- Uses a 1 bit sequence number.
- Only one PDU may be outstanding.
- Medium Access Control protocol
- Assumes multiple machines on a single connection (bus type)
- Ways to address this issue
- Centralized vs decentralized
- Centralized affords greater control over access for providing priorities, overrides and guaranteed capacity
- Enables the use of relative simple access logic at each station
- Avoids problems with distributed coordination
- Creates a single point of failure
- May act as a bottleneck.
- How can we do this?
- Round Robin
- In turn, each station is given a change to transmit.
- For a limited time.
- This becomes a problem as things grow.
- Reservation
- Contention
- The MAC frame
- MAC Control
- Destination MAC address
- 48 bit address
- Represented as xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx in hex
- Once were unique and permanently assigned to hardware
- Distributed by vendor.
- IEEE expects this to be exhausted by 2011
- /sbin/arp
- /sbin/ifconfig
- Source MAC address
- We will discuss CSMA/CD carrier sense multiple access collision detection in the next chapter.