- Internet Control Message Protocol
- This is out of order, but it very directly apply here.
- Pages 582 - 585
- It is built on top of ip, but it is needed by people doing ip.
- ICMP packets are encapsulated within IP packets.
- Delivery is not guaranteed.
- This tool is used exclusively for controlling IP networks.
- Both for IPV4 and IPV6
- RFCs 792, 1122
- All ICMP packets contain
- An 8 bit type field, indicating the type of message.
- A 8 bit code field, which can contain short parameters.
- A 16 bit checksum
- Other fields depend on the type of message.
- Look at Wikipedia for a partial list of types, codes, ...
- We have talked about echo-reply (0) and echo-request (8)
- We have also discussed time exceeded( 11).
- Redirect (5) is used to notify a entity that it is sending packets to the wrong next hop.
- Destination Unreachable (3) seams reasonable too.
- Source quench (4) becomes important here.
- Stallings gives us this picture: