Gale-Shapley Algorithm Observations
- The proofs show that the performance is at worst $O(n^2)$.
- This is an example where we do not "count" the number of loops
- The algorithm where men choose can lead to women receiving a poorer match then if they proposed
- m: w, w'
- m': w', w
- w : m', m
- w': m, m'
- S = { (m, w), (m', w')}, both women get their "second" choice.
- There can be multiple solutions to the problem.
- In the above example, S'={ (m, w'), (m', w)} is also a solution.
- This would have been the result if women proposed.
- They prove that all executions of Gale-Shapley yield the same result.
- I don't want to do this proof, but you should read through it.
- They characterize the "best possible partner"
- By the algorithm, it is fairly easy to see that the men will automatically get their best possible partner.
- The proposals are made in best possible order
- The proposals and are eliminated in order.
- Thus they keep the first non-eliminated which is their best possible.
- So for men, this is the best of times.
- They claim that women are matched with their "worst possible" valid partner.