Set the distance to all vertexes to be ∞ Set the cost to s to be 0 while not finished Select the vertex with the lowest cost not yet explored If this vertex is f, stop else update the costs to all vertexes adjacent to this one
- For each v in V do
- v.parent = null
- v.cost = ∞
- Q.insert(v)
- EndFor
- s.cost =0
- Q.DecreaseKey(s)
- While Q.size > 0 and f has not been selected
- u = Q.ExtractMin
- For each v i u.Adj()
- if v.cost > u.cost + weight(u,v)
- v.cost = u.cost + weight(u,v)
- Q.DecreaseKey(v)
- v.parent = u
- EndIf
- EndFor
- EndWhile