- This is again the 10,000 ft view.
- Given a boolean combinational circuit composed of AND, OR, and NOT gates, is it satisfiable?
- The problem assumes
- And, not and or gates
- no loops (combinational circuits only)
- A single wire may be split to several gates.
- Inputs and outputs are clearly defined.
- The verification algorithm simply checks the circuit and produces a true if the value is one for a given input.
- A running program on a computer consists of the input, the program and the current state of the computation
- Stack, registers, PC, memory ...
- This state can be represented at any point in the computation.
- This is called a configuration
- The hardware (aside from memory) can be created as a circuit M
- For any Problem L in NP, we have VL which verifies L.
- VL ∈ P
- We need to find RL which reduces L to CIRCUIT_SAT in polynomial time.
- Let T(n) be the worst case running time of VL on an n bit input.
- Since VL ∈ P, there exists a k such that T(n) ∈ O(nk)
- Since VL verifies L, there is a location in the configuration of the execution of VL which will indicate if a given certificate is correct or not (answer).
- So each output of a circuit goes to a configuration and each configuration goes to a machine.
- Each time the PC will change
- Construction of this circuit will require polynomial time (T(n))