We will study how to analyze an algorithm's performance theoretically
But sometimes this is very difficult.
It is especially hard to determine average case analysis.
Our author proposes a general plan for testing efficiency
Understand the experiment's purpose
Decide on an efficiency metric to be measured
Wall clock time.
Number of instructions executed.
Combination of the two (Xflops/second, x = mega, giga, tera)
Decide on characteristics of input.
Implement algorithms
Generate sample inputs
Run algorithms on input, record results
Analyze the data obtained.
This type of testing is used extensively in the supercomputing world, see the top 500 list
Several things to note:
We are testing implementation of algorithms, so there is another lay of potential error inherent in this experiment.
We need to be absolutely sure that our implementation has produced accurate results, so testing the final output of the algorithm implementation is essential.
Measuring performance
We have discussed wall clock time.
We are measuring total time, so the system load will have an effect on this.
A quiet system is best
A single user system, with most things (like the window system, the web server, file servers, ...) turned off is absolutely best.
An average of several runs mitigates the impact of time.
Remember, runtime is relative to the system involved, so there is no "RIGHT" answer here.
If the process does not take sufficient time to be measured, run it a number of times on the same data.
In any case, clocks are problematic
Time is sometimes reported in "ticks", not in a normal unit.
Most clocks are not highly accurate.
As a second measurement, we could count operations.
For BRUTE-GCD algorithm we could insert a counter inside the loop.
Or we could maintain two counters, m%g and n%g should probably count as two operations, while g ← g-1 should count as one.
It is reasonable to employ a global variable here.
But make sure that you reset it each time in your driver routine.
Finally you could employ an analysis tool such as Valgrind
This will give you performance information, (and memory leaks and ...)
You can produce a call graph, based on time spent routines.
You can view the call tree.
This provides real insight into where the program is burning time.
In order to estimate asymptotic performance, you need to run test cases with various sizes of input.
For some problems there are well established data sets (again, top500)
Others you must create your own.
The author suggests two methods for selecting input sizes.
Regular sizes within a range
This probably makes analysis easier.
But could lead to an error if your sizes are somehow "magical".
(Some algorithms might involve a log2 structure, so a size of 2n is optimal, while 2n+1 might have dramatically different performance.)
Random samples within a range.
I am asking for the first, with random data used for the different test cases.
Random Samples
Linear Congruential Method
tmp ← seed
seed ← (a*seed+c) % m
return tmp
The values of a, c and m are very important.
c and m should be relatively prime
.01m ≤ a ≤ .99m
a%8 = 5
There are many sources of discussion on these choices.
This will produce a string of "pseudo-random" numbers which will repeat.