Assignment 6

Compare the performance of several sorting algorithms.

This assignment is worth 35 points.

Extend your testbed to include quick, merge and insertion sorts.

When you have finished this assignment, you should have:

Implement a framework for testing a number of sorting algorithms. This framework should:

Once your framework is established, you should test each sorting routine ten times various sizes of input.

Implement insertion sort, quick sort and merge sort. In addition, for either quicksort or merge sort (or both) , implement a modified version which will call an O(n2) sort when the size of the list to be sorted reaches a limt.

Produce a report which

You should use other tools, if necessary in your analysis.

You should provide a number of graphs to allow the reader to fully interpret your results. This somewhat depends on your data.

You should make your framework flexible, as you will be adding additional sorts to this as the semester passes.

For the new sorts, you may be required to use very large input sizes. You should seperate the O(n2) sorts from the O(n lg(n)) sorts.

You should submit your code via email to on the due date. Submit your report in class.