Homework 4

Short Description:

Implement a simple sparse polynomial class.

This assignment is worth 10 points.


When you finish this homework, you should:

Formal Description

Implement a polynomial class. You should assume that the polynomials are sparse, and therefore you should store the polynomials in a list. You MUST use the STL list class to do this. For each term in the polynomial store the coefficient and the exponent. Thus 3x14+2x+1 would be stored as
3,14-> 2,1 -> 1,0

Your class should support the following operations:

You should write a driver routine that tests all of these functions.




Required Files

Your code, a README file , and a Makefile.

Extra Credit

If you wish, you may gain 10 points extra credit by finding all of the roots of a polynomial. Write a program that reads in a polynomial from the user and prints all of the roots.


This assignment is due October 31 at class time. You should email a tar file of your homework directory to dbennett@edinboro.edu.