Homework 3

Short Description:

Create a program that builds a "fractal" via DLA.

This assignment is worth 20 points.


When you finish this homework, you should

Formal Description

DLA or Diffusion Limited Aggregation is a process where a structure forms from particles diffusing through a media. While we might not be interested in the physics of this process, it can be used to create so interesting images.

The basic idea is to start with a fixed structure, to which particles will attach. In our simulation this will be a single particle fixed at the center of the canvas. The simulation proceeds by releasing a number of particles into the media. The particles will perform a random walk until:

If this process is repeated a number of times, eventually a nice fractal like figure will form.

A DLA image on a 600x600 canvas, 10,000 point seeds with a maximum of 10,000 steps each. Colored by age

Your assignment is to create a DLA figure using javascript and the HTML canvas. You should use only two canvas commands:

Please consult your instructor if you feel you need any additional canvas commands.

You should provide an interface which allows the user to change

In addition provide a button which allows the user to rerun the simulation to generate a new image.

Some Thoughts


Your interface should built in a html file. This file should contain documentation discussing the project, including information such as Please use relative references to your code in the html file. This will allow me to extract the file in my local environment.


I find that I want to continue to play with simulations/visualizations of this type. Please do so, but only if you have sufficient time, do not enhance this, or any other project at the expense of your other classes.

If you do decide to continue some interesting additions might include


When you have finished your assignment, please submit a tar/zip file containing all files needed for this project. Please do not post your project on line until after grades have been assigned.

Submit your tar file as an attachment to a message to dbennett@edinboro.edu. Please include your name, and the fact that this is homework 1 in the title of the message.