A Quick Intro to HTML
We will use HTML all semester as the foundation of our assignments.
It will provide a reasonable GUI (what is a GUI?)
It will also allow us to document our code.
We do not need to master HTML
That is not the purpose of this class.
You need to be able to produce the homework for this class.
But it is not a bad thing to know.
I will provide
Introduction to the parts I use.
Examples of what I want you to do.
one reference.
If you know more HTML, or even CSS, please feel free to make your documents as fancy as you wish.
But make the required programming components work.
HTML is the Hypertext Markup Language
Markup Language
allows you to turn plain text into documents
The expression
$\Sigma_{i=0}^{\inf} \frac{x^2}{\log x}$
Is marked up text in mathml, which is interpreted to produce:
$\Sigma_{i=0}^{\inf} \frac{x^2}{\log x}$
In this case _, ^, {}, \log, \inf \Sigma are all elements of the markup language.
Hypertext - generally text with links in it.
You read novels sequentially, page 1 to the end.
You skip around in scientific text books.
HTML is constructed from basic elements.
These are portions of a text document
Text items
Hyper links
Your browser takes these elements, and creates the viewable document.
You can always view the document in chrome by right clicking on the page and selecting
view page source
NOTE: This is a valid method for learning HTML however
You really should understand what you are copying.
Basic HTML elements
A good reference
Mostly marked with a pair of tags.
Generally in the form <tagname attribute list> contents <\tagname>
The HTML parsers are very forgiving.
They will try to render everything they can.
The following line in code will not show up.
this is an error
It was
<bug>this is an error </bug>