- Homework 5 a WebGL program
- Single array of data, vertex only.
- Both shaders are very simple.
- Drawing technique: drawArrays
- Homework 5B
- Single Array of data: vertex, vertex, vertex ... vertex, color, color, ... color.
- Color is passed from the vertex shader to the fragment shader by varying.
- Homework 5c
- Single array of data: vertex, color, vertex, color ...
- Homework 5d
- Array of data: vertex, color, vertex, color
- Array of indexes: p1, p2, p3, p4, .....
- New drawing technique: drawElements
- HW 6
- Draws old style off files without color and normal data.
- Style of HW5-5C above.
- Barycentric Coordinates
- Complex vertex shader
- Uses CW, CCW, gl_FrontFacing
- gl.cullFace, glEnable
- Triangle Computation Demo
- We didn't use this in class, but it shows dot product, cross product and such.
- HW6 (We have not looked at this as of 11/14)
- This shows the full projection matrix. (But not camera)
- Wire shaded front faces.
- Solid back faces.
- Depth testing.
- Interpretation of berycentric coordinates