My big mean lecture
- This is a theory class.
- I expect you to know and be able to use material from Linear Algebra
- And Algebra, and Trig and possibly some Calculus
- I expect you to learn algorithms, data structures and other theoretical concepts related to computer graphics.
- This is a programming class.
- I expect you to spend time in the lab writing code.
- I expect your code to run on a linux box.
- I expect your code to be modular, and readable.
- We will be using some advanced concepts
- I expect you to be able to make an array, linked list, or class at will.
- If you don't know about the standard template library, especially the standard container library, you should become familiar with it.
- I would learn the VECTOR class RIGHT NOW.
- I expect you to be able to use an API after it has been explained to you.
- We will be using OpenGL, and GLUT.
- I expect you to be able to use features such as makefiles, at least minimally, after they have been explained.
- Graphics code is sometimes hard to debug
- We will be dealing with code someone else has written (or implemented in hardware), and can't get to it.
- Small mistakes can lead to a blank screen.
- In the end, if there is no image on the screen what do I do next?
- I expect you to ask for help when you need it.
- We will break a few rules
- When using an API it is often more convenient to use global variables.
- But don't let your entire style break down.
- This is especially true when you are in an event driven programming model.
- There are plenty of references on the web, use them.