Organizing 3D Objects
- Objects are composed of polygons
- We really like triangles for various reasons.
- But we can deal with other shapes as well.
- We frequently store an object in a two or three level data structure
- The lowest level is a vertex list
- A vertex is at least the coordinates
- But may have some other information attached to it.
- We only store each vertex once
- But they may be used MANY times
- Sometimes we store an edge list
- This is, at minimum, a pair of indexes into the vertex list.
- But sometimes we might want more attributes as well.
- We might skip this if we don't want to deal with edges.
- The next level depends on the application
- We could store a triangle list, especially if we are doing software hidden surface removal
- We could store a polygon list
- We could store a surface list
- Each of these is a list of index values into the lower level.
- For this class, we will be using a very simple file format. .off files.
- Please see this page