Extra Credit Option

You may add up to 5% to your final grade in this class by performing extra credit work. This work must:

Any topic related to computer graphics or visualization is acceptable, but as mentioned above it must be approved by the instructor. Possible topics include:

Credit for work will be determined by the instructor. A maximum amount will be established when the work is proposed, and an actual evaluation of credit assigned will be assessed after the work is completed.

Students performing any work MUST submit a written description of the work, at the time it is presented in class. The scope of the written submission should be arranged with the instructor at the beginning of the project, but it should be sufficient to completely describe the work performed, including background material.

Classroom presentations should include a web page which can be linked into the instructor's note page for the class. This is a resource so interested students may follow up on your discussion.

Time for classroom presentations must be scheduled with the instructor prior to class.

If you would like to do a project but can't think of a topic, contact me. We can come up with something.