DetectMagic(vector casterLocation){ distance = Distance( casterLocation, myLocation)/100; distance = clamp(distance, 1, 30); For(timer=0 to 2) { intensity = lerp(10000,0, alpha) intensity /= distance; PointLight.SetIntensity(intensity); } }
DetectMagic(vector casterLocation) { distance = Distance(casterLocation, myLocation) if (distance < 500) { PointLight.SetColor(red); } else if (distance < 1000) { PointLight.SetColor(gold); } else if (distance < 3000) { PointLight.SetColor(blue); } if (distance < 3000) { PointLight.SetIntensity(50000) Sleep(3); PointLight.SetIntensity(0); PointLight.SetColor(black); } }
OnKeypressC() { For each actor in GetAllActorsWith BPI_DetectMagic: actor.DetectMagic(myLocation); }
- This has no arguments but returns a int
- Compile and save and it shows up in the interface.
- Double click on this to add this function.
- Back in the FirstPerson Character
- I added a SummonCoin input action (Keypress x)
- I change the Cast interaction to DetectMagic.
- And Added the following function
- Note this uses the function
- And I am looking at ALL of the actors in the level, Probably VERY BAD.
- You can also add the interface to the Level.
- Open the level then open the class settings.
- Add the BPI
- I add a function that will dim the skylight when detect magic is cast.
- The documentation points out be you have two different instances of the BPI functions
- The top one is intended to call the your own function.
- The bottom one is intended to call another intsances' function