Homework 7: Firing the Guns
Short Description:
Create a simple game that allows the user to pick up different types of ammo and shoot different types of targets.
This assignment is worth 50 points.
When you finish this homework, you should
- Have created a working menu system.
- Have used enumerations
Formal Description
Create a shooting game. This game should include the following elements.
- The user should be able to explore the world and find ammunition
- Multiple types ammunition
- At least scaled with different effects.
- Perhaps an "instant Kill"
- Perhaps a shotgun type.
- This should be implemented as a hierarchy
- I would derive this from the pickup class, but you can start over if you wish.
- This be described by at least one enumerated type.
- The different quantities the user posses should be stored in a primitive inventory.
- The User should be able to select the type of ammunition to use from a menu system
- The different quantities of ammunition should be displayed here.
- Along with a description of what the ammunition does.
- Ammunition should be produced in an ammunition factory.
- This should be passed enumerators which determine the type and quantity.
- It should return an ammunition instance
- Ammunition should be placed in the scene by at least two different entities
- A generic spawner that keeps maintains n different random ammunition types.
- An ammunition shop that has k of each ammunition type.
- The user can select ammunition through a menu.
- The shop will restock j seconds after the player leaves the shop.
- Both k and j should be configurable.
- You should implement at least one target type that responds differently to being hit by the different ammunition types.
- It should add to the player's score based on the type of ammo it was hit by.
- You might even think about changing the score depending on where it was hit.
- If targets are destroyed in your game, you should provide a mechanism to spawn new targets.
- The player's score, and current ammunition level should be displayed in a HUD graphically.
Provide a design/implementation document that includes
- An overall description of the game and how it was implemented.
- In this case, it is probably a recap of the information above.
- Pseudo code for all major elements.
- Screen shots for the major algorithms of all elements.
When you have finished your assignment, please submit a tar/zip file containing
your game. Submit this file to the D2L Folder Homework 7 by the due date.